A Teamster contract establishes a uniform set of wages, hours, and working conditions. Every so often, as stipulated in your contract, labor and management negotiate improvements or changes to this agreement. Your Teamster contract covers such rights and benefits as:
The contract is the law of the workplace. The rights and benefits in the contract are guaranteed. Management cannot legally change them without negotiating with the union. Unity Wins Benefits Your employer did not give workers the rights and benefits in the union contract. They were won over years of tough negotiations because of member unity. You Vote on the Contract You can vote to accept or reject whatever has been negotiated. The proposed contract does not go into effect until a majority of the members vote to accept it. Contracts can cover workers on a national, regional, or local union level. Experience shows agreements covering a period of three years best serve the interests of the members. Some contracts, however, run for longer or shorter terms. Know Your Contract Read your contract. Ask your shop steward to explain parts that are unclear. If you know your contract, you can take full advantage of the benefits contained in it. You will also know when your employer has failed to live up to the terms of the pact. You should become familiar with the employer's work rules and attendance policy, as well as the union contract. All three will make you aware of your rights and responsibilities. "The most important word in the language of the working class is solidarity." --- Harry Bridges
Page Last Updated: Oct 16, 2024 (05:10:04)